15min. Active Flexibility Flow (FLOW)
Kelsey teaches an express active flexibility class that can be performed anywhere. This class is great to do before or after a workout, or even after a long day of travel. Enjoy the juiciness!
Up Next in Express
15min. Bridge Variations (FOCUS)
Join Joanna for an express bridge focused class. She begins the class by breaking down the basics of doing a bridge, then works between teaching the bridge through an articulating spine and a neutral spine. Expect to learn the mechanics of doing a bridge plus feel the work in your lower body.
12min Express Lower Body Flow (FOCUS ...
Becky guides you through an express lower body flow where the session starts with a deep stretch then transitions into focused glute, hip, and quadricep work.
15min Seated Arms (FOCUS)
Rachel teaches a fun arm focused class using small hand weights. This is a great class if you are short on time or space and looking for a quick arm toning sequence.