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Watch this video and more on Move With On-Demand

15min. Glute Activation (FOCUS)

Express • 16m

Up Next in Express

  • Extended Exhale - Breath Work Tutorial

    Extended exhale breathing is a slow, controlled technique where the exhale is longer than inhale and no breath holds in between. The longer exhale activates the vagus nerve, sending a signal to your brain to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and ease out of the sympathe...

  • Alternate Nasal Breathing - Breath Wo...

    This short tutorial is dedicated to providing you with tools to optimize your breath and lung capacity as well as reset your nervous sytem. Alternate Nasal Breathing is ideal to do before winding down your day, or helping you slow down and regulate your breath if you find yourself in a space of a...

  • Box Breathing - Breath Work Tutorial

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